Spaceship: Action Activity

My Little Gray Spaceship
Words by CK Emanuel
To the tune of: Bumping Up and Down in My Little Red Wagon

Flying all around in my little gray spaceship,
Flying all around in my little gray spaceship,
Flying all around in my little gray spaceship,
Won’t you join my landing crew?

How to Play: Start with two original “alien” crew captains (Adapt number of original captains based upon the number of your participants.) The game resembles a type of “follow the leader.” As the crew “flys all around” they have to follow their captain. With the last line of the rhyme, the captain adds one or two new crew members (Again, adjust for number of participants).  This activity works best if there is time for kids to change roles (captain/crew).

Participation Age Range: 3 to 5 years ; Family Storytime

Skills Utilized/Reinforced: Gross motor skill ; Taking Turns

Possible Modifications: The rhyme has also been adapted as a felt piece activity. After “Won’t you join my landing crew?” add an alien, and have the group count the number as the crew gets larger. The staff may add the aliens to the felt board, or if the aliens are made in different colors, call up the red alien from the audience for more audience participation.

Additionally, it may be used as a simple fingerplay. Simply make a spaceship with your hands (perhaps either a fist or by putting both palms together.) Move the hands all around in front of you. At the last line, put hands out to the sides with palm up. If done with the baby class, the last line would work well for a slight stomach tickle.

Themes: Space, Aliens, Flying, Movement, Color (With modification felt piece), Numbers/Counting (With modification felt piece)

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